The target is to reduce transport costs improving the service for the final customer.
To whom it may concern ?
The logistics outsourcing is the process by which companies rely on external suppliers, the operational management of one or more logistics functions.
The reasons that drive companies to outsource logistics functions are mainly due to the need to reduce costs, the search for greater operational flexibility and improved customer service.
We possess special expertise, industry experience and highly qualified staff to manage the entire office transport / traffic on behalf of small, medium and large companies with solutions designed to optimize processes and reduce costs.
Saving money through Logistic Outsourcing
Saving money through Logistic Outsourcing
How does it work? ?
Preliminarily we perform for free and without any obligation, an analysis of the traffic volumes of the company, and on the basis of such process, we formulate our best proposal to take over the complete management of the traffic office by defining in advance, a budget of transport costs. Through our management, we can get real prospects for savings, reaching an average reduction of logistics costs from 2% to 10% less than what the customers pay operating directly. We manage the entire transport department on behalf of the customer, operating directly with its logistics providers in accordance to the pre-existing terms of negotiation and conditions, or seeking alternative suppliers that can be more competitive on equal terms (payment terms, quality of service).
We operate in the whole contest, as if we were the customer, taking care of every phase relative to the shipments:
- Support to the customer service starting from the shipment programmation;
- Preparation and sortation of transport documents; - Suppliers rate negotiation;
- Prepation of documents credit letters related;
- Management of certificates of origin and interventions c / o Chamber of Commerce and / or consulates;
- Control of suppliers account statements;
- Monthly shipment and cost revisal and communication;
- Management of eventual goods damage.
What is the cost for the companies ? ?
In terms of additional costs, our cost to the business is equal to 0 because our profit is just a small percentage of the savings really obtained and certified that we’ve provided to our customer. Our management doesn’t create additional or unplanned costs, our commission is only related to the reaching of good results. Benefits for companies The management forescast allow the customer to have an anticipation of chritcity of the management of the goods shipments and an established cost programmation for the same.
The outsourcing of transport department brings multiple benefits to the customers including:
- Improved transit time and constant tracking of the goods;
- Flexibility in respect of eventual changes of the volumes and changes in the conditions of the deliveries;
- Lightening of the whole logistic structure with consequent quicker operative analytic-decisional reaction
- Evolved services thanks to the specific competencies in transport branch and to the high standard service level offered
- Increased transparency of business costs and reduction of the component of hidden costs;
- Capital risk reduction;
- Reduction of costs related to the operative staff.